Saturday, 31 January 2015

PDF⋙ Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience by Bernard J. Baars, Nicole M. Gage

Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience by Bernard J. Baars, Nicole M. Gage

Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience by Bernard J. Baars, Nicole M. Gage PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A textbook for psychology, neuroscience, pre-medical students, and everybody interested in the neuroscience of cognition.
A wave of new research is transforming our understanding of the human mind and brain. Many educational fields now require a basic understanding of the new topic of cognitive neuroscience. However, available textbooks are written more for biology audiences than for psychology and related majors. This text aims to bridge that gap. A background in biology of neuroscience is not required. The thematic approach builds on widely understood concepts in psychology, such as working memory, selective attention, and social cognition. Edited by two leading experts in the field, the book guides the reader along a clear path to understand the latest findings.
A support website at provides all figures in electronic format with export to Powerpoint, as well as supplementary material including movies and support material for teachers and students.
(note: support website will be available after June 10, 2007)

* Written specifically for psychology, pre-medical, education and neuroscience undergraduate and graduate students
* The thematic approach builds on on accepted concepts, not presuming a background in neuroscience or biology
* Ancillary material includes a companion website and Learning Guide for students
* Includes two Appendices on brain imaging and neural networks written by Thomas Ramsoy and Igor Aleksander
* Introduces the brain in a step-by-step, readable style, with gradually increasing sophistication
* Richly illustrated in full color with clear and detailed drawings that build the brain from top to bottome, simplifying the layout of the brain for students
* Pedagogy includes exercises and study questions at the end of each chapter, including drawing exercises

* Written specifically for psychology, pre-medical, education and neuroscience undergraduate and graduate students
* The thematic approach builds on on accepted concepts, not presuming a background in neuroscience or biology
* Ancillary material includes a companion website and Learning Guide for students
* Includes two Appendices on brain imaging and neural networks written by Thomas Ramsoy and Igor Aleksander
* Introduces the brain in a step-by-step, readable style, with gradually increasing sophistication
* Richly illustrated in full color with clear and detailed drawings that build the brain from top to bottome, simplifying the layout of the brain for students
* Pedagogy includes exercises and study questions at the end of each chapter, including drawing exercises

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Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience by Bernard J. Baars, Nicole M. Gage EPub

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